WAMP: Windows XP, Apache Tomcat 6, MySQL and PHP.
Having been done this many times on Linux, I decided to setup my laptop with all these tech-essentials.
The first step was to get these running indipendently and then making sure that they run together.
1) Tomcat 6
This was probably the easiet to get up and running.
1.1 --> Just unzip/untar the package under D:\ say as tomcat6.
1.2 --> Go to D:\tomcat6\bin and execute startup.bat
1.3 --> Change the port number in D:\tomcat6\conf\server.xml, if you want to.
2) MySQL
I decided to go with no-install executable so I can start and stop the server wheneven I want.
2.1 --> It was unzipped under D:\mysql
2.2 --> You can put the following directory under the PATH
2.3 --> start the server as "mysqld --verbose"
2.4 --> shutdown the server using "mysqladmin -u root shutdown"
2.5 --> you can test the connection using mysql -u root
play away.
3) PHP with Tomcat
3.1--> Download the zip package or installer from Windows Binaries section of this url
3.2 --> Download the pecl Win32 binaries from the above page
3.3 --> Unzip php to D:\php
3.4 --> Unzip pecl to D:\pecl
3.5 --> copy D:\php\php.ini-dist to D:\php\php.ini
3.6 --> In php.ini, uncomment the following line by removing the ";" (semi colon) or if the line doesn't exist, please add it
3.7 --> Copy the php5servlet.dll from D:\pecl to D:\php
3.8 --> Create the following directory path in tomcat
3.9 -->Create a file
with the following content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
3.10 --> Unjar the phpsrvlt.jar from the D:\pecl directory. If you un-jar is under D:\, one of the path would look like
The two files under this directory will be reflect.properties and servlet.properties.
3.11 --> make sure the line in the above properties files looks like
this needs to be same as the dll which you copied in step 3.7
3.12 --> If you changed the above files to correct the library parameter, then re-create the jar file using the command below from D:\
jar cvf php5srvlt.jar net/php/*.*
3.13--> copy the jar file to
3.14 --> Add PHP to your System or User PATH variable.
3.15 --> Create a test file called
with the following content
3.16 --> start your tomcat server and test the PHP installation by going to
If everything is working fine, then you'll see lot of php details on the webpage
4) PHP with Tomcat and MySQL
4.1 --> Unzip the following lines from D:\php\php.ini, or add them if they do not exist
4.2 --> Copy the following files from D:\php\ext to D:\php
Or you can also change the following property in php.ini
extension_dir = "d:\php\ext"
and move all the dll's to D:\php\ext
4.3 --> Test the php integration with mysql under tomcat. Make sure to restart the webserver.
4.4 --> If it still doesn't work, sometime you need to copy the above DLL's to C:\windows\system32 directory.
Good luck.
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